The Medtack Approach to Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment

by | Apr 1, 2024 | Advertising, Technology

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The success of clinical trials hinges on various factors, none more critical than the effectiveness of the patient recruitment strategy selected by the study sponsor.

Many clinical trials do not reach completion, not because of efficacy or safety issues, but due to the inability to recruit a sufficient number of patients to meet the target sample sizes. A significant cause of this shortfall is that clinical trial sites often deliver far fewer participants than initially promised to sponsors. Notably, 48% of clinical trial sites recruit one or fewer patients per study.

This discrepancy between the promises of clinical trial recruitment service sites and their actual performance presents a challenge that sponsor teams must address effectively or, ideally, anticipate from the outset. Enter MEDTACK, the Intelligent Recruitment Platform.

Medtack clinical trial recruitment software revolutionizes the traditional pathway to patient consent by integrating state-of-the-art technology at every juncture, transforming the entire process into a more rapid, efficient, and rewarding experience that we call the Medtack Journey. This enhanced journey enables a swift increase in the number of patients recruited monthly for your clinical research.

The Medtack Journey for Clinical Study Recruitment encompasses three phases:

1. Compelling Marketing – The process of engaging applicants interested in pre-screening to participate in a clinical trial.

2. Intelligent Pre-Screening – Identifying trial candidates who fulfill the study criteria based on their medical records.

3. Interactive Education – The process of educating trial candidates to ensure they are well-informed and willing to participate in your clinical trial.


The Medtack Journey


Phase 1 – Compelling Marketing for Clinical Trial Recruitment

The Medtack Journey is initiated by prospective applicants who encounter targeted advertisements on widely used digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google. These ads are meticulously crafted to capture the intended audience’s attention and prompt them to click. (Refer to case study video)

This directs them to specially tailored clinical trial recruitment landing pages that feature compelling video content designed to encourage a response to pre-screening inquiries to assess their potential eligibility for the clinical trial.

At this point, they reach a registration page with additional video content, compelling them to submit their contact information for further pre-screening.

Phase 2 – Intelligent Pre-Screening for Clinical Trial Recruitment

At this stage, Medtack patient counselors contact applicants to obtain consent to access their pertinent documented health information. Subsequently, our AI-driven natural language processing software determines which candidates satisfy the participation criteria outlined in your study protocol.

Phase 3 – Interactive Education for Clinical Trial Recruitment

Ultimately, each clinical trial candidate receives comprehensive video content detailing what they can expect when joining the trial. Most importantly, they are invited to attend a live webinar where an expert physician elucidates the investigational treatment and study protocol.

The session’s highlight is the Q&A, where the physician addresses individual queries from candidates, alleviating any unfounded concerns. Following this engaging educational segment, candidates are asked if they wish to proceed to a trial site to participate in the research study. Only after this step are they deemed consent-ready and referred to clinical trial sites.

The Medtack Site Portal for Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment

The Medtack Site Portal is meticulously designed to afford site coordinators straightforward access to a substantial pipeline of consent-ready patients. Additionally, it equips study coordinators with workflow management tools, texting capabilities for efficient communication with candidates, and a secure repository for medical records access.

The Medtack Sponsor Portal for Clinical Research Patient Recruitment

The MEDTACK Sponsor Portal empowers sponsors with an immediate overview of the candidate funnel at each center. Its illustrative dashboards culminate in comprehensive reports, facilitating prompt, data-driven decision-making. This clinical trial patient recruitment software sponsors to judiciously manage their advertising budgets and concentrate their efforts on high-yielding clinical trial sites while promptly adjusting investments in less successful ones.